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CR-058. Victor Bunin, piano. Beethoven

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CR-058. Victor Bunin, piano. Beethoven

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Price: $10.00
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Weight: 120 g

Victor Bunin was born in Voronezh in 1936. His first musical impressions were connected with his father, famous composer Vladimir Vasilievich Bunin. After his family moved to Moscow, Victor Bunin became a musical student at the Musical College of the Moscow Tchai-kovsky Conservatoire under Olga Mukhortova, and later, Mirra Sever.
After graduation from the Musical College, Bunin studied at the Moscow Conservatoire under professor Samuil Feinberg (in 1956 - 1962), and then went onto post-graduate courses with professor Victor Merzhanov.
In 1961, Victor Bunin appeared in All-Russian piano competition and made off with the first prize.
The pianist's agenda is well-packed with recitals and tours in Russia and abroad (Great Britain, France, Italy, Yugoslavia, USA, Syria, Ireland and other countries).
Victor Bunin has made regular ap-pearances with Russian orchestras, including the Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra and All-Union TV and Radio Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Konstantin Ivanov, Boris Khaikin, Eduard Serov, Gennady Tcherkassov, Vassili Sinaisky, Emin Khachaturian etc.
His extensive and diverse repertoire includes the traditional Western classic works in addition to late nineteenth and twentieth century composers (Tchaikovsky, Rubinstein, Rachma-ninov, Scriabin, Medtner, Alexandrov, Feinberg, Prokofiev, Vladimir Bunin - the pianist’s father, - Razorenov, Golubev, Rekhin).
Victor Bunin recorded vinyl and compact discs for many recording companies, among them - "Melody", Russian Disc, EMI and others. He also participated in three films for the All-Union Central TV and appeared in several TV concert programs.
Since 1963, Mr. Bunin has taught piano at the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatoire, Central Music school and Music college (both under Mos-cow Conservatoire).
Since 1993 he also has taught at the Syrian National Conservatoire in Da-mascus and at the Lebanese National Superior Conservatoire in Beirouth.
Many of his students became prize-winners of different international piano competitions. Professor Bunin held master classes around Russia, USA, Italy, Ireland, Finland, Lebanon; he participated in the jury in several piano competitions in Russia and Europe.
He is the honoured member of the international association "Skalkottas - Feinberg" in Paris. In Russia, he was awarded the title of the "Honoured Artist of the Russian Federation".
Professor Bunin is the author of two books dedicated to the great Russian pianist, composer and pedagogue Sa-muil Feinberg (S.E.Feinberg. His life and work; Pedagogics of Samuil Feinberg; both published by "Musica" publishing house in 1999 and 2000). He has also written a number of articles on the subject of musical performance that were issued in different music magazines.


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