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CR-037. Vera Gornostaeva plays all piano sonatas by Chopin

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CR-037. Vera Gornostaeva plays all piano sonatas by Chopin

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Price: $10.00
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Weight: 120 g

Vera Gomostaeva's name belongs to a constellation of brilliant Russian musicians, and it has its own, peculiar colouring.
The Moscow Conservatoire... Henry Neighaus' piano school… Really by right has she inherited her teacher's wonderful spirit, no matter be it performance or pedagogics, TV talks by the piano or printed articles.
Is it not due to that spirit that her interpretations are full of Chopin's light breath and inimitable gracefulness, or convey a passionate philosophical voice of Beethoven, inevitable as the fate? Wonderful hands of Gornostaeva the pianist. Bright and figurative language of Gornostaeva - the enlightener and teacher. It is not easy to single out the best of her originality, sincerity, almost hypnotic force. Only a few musicians on Earth combine the brilliant, really encyclopaedic intellect with a gift of bewitching the audience. But the most significant is her deep historic vision of culture in the whole range of its great ideas, links and senses, everlasting dialogue with music creators.
It is not purely by chance that Vera Gornostaeva speaks about Bach or Mozart as alive persons.

Tamara Grum-Grzhimailo

Chopin ... It is hard to explain his eternal attraction, tenderness, love. Chopin's pose in the photo made not long before his death seems as inim-itable as his music. Who else but Chopin could sit in such a way in front of the lens? Love for him cannot be overcome. He attracts me like a magnet, eventually changing and becoming still nearer and dearer. Sometimes I seem to hear his voice...
Like a sphinx, Chopin is always a mystery for pianists all over the world. How can one express the heart confusion, passion, aspiration of Chopin's images without losing their equilibrium and harmony? How can one combine Chopin's romanticism full of sincerity and improvisation with a strict laconicism of his compositions? How can one convey inspired ardency of Chopin's culminations leaving his fine and plastic pianism untouched? Maybe Chopin created his own piano and released its unknown forces?
His three sonatas are like three human ages, they contain the whole creative experience of the human personality. There is a "depth of the biographic imprint", a wide panorama of creative quests from the very first steps until the peak of life, the acme…
In every age of the man's life there is a special meaning of its own. And it is different for every man in the world. Sometimes a genius can live a huge life only in 27 years. The measure is different: it depends on the term of the existence. If it is short, the time tightens. Lermontov, Schubert, Mozart, Pushkin, Chopin, - so short and yet so long lives!
Vera Gornostaeva..

© Classical Records

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